Monday, 4 September 2023

Let's get random

So I've given up on my D&D posts as it's difficult to really participate when you're trying to remember what's just happened lol. So no more of those posts, at least for now.

Actually quite a few things are just difficult right now. I've been trying to get to the gym at least once a week and I've managed it about 75% of the time since I started, so that's not so bad, but that's still counting the days like today where I was barely even able to finish the warm up step because today was a 'I got only one spoon day' (Explanation here) and I had to save it for grabbing a couple groceries for mum.

Then there's the 'what do you want for your birthday on Friday?' question which is hard because I've pretty much got everything I want but it feels so awkward just being like 'just give me money.'

It's difficult to want anything these days in the first place. I've given up on getting a job because I just don't have the energy to work even twice a week and I'm just plain unreliable. I've given up on moving out because the cheapest rental locally that isn't literally the garden shed with a kitchen counter added is a one-bed for $450 a week. And that's not even thinking about thinking about buying a house, the cheapest of which here in Lara - aka New Norlane - is $300,000. Good luck affording that. Saw a news report just today that there is now literally nowhere that is going for an affordable price for even a successful adult, let alone someone who is on a pension.

They've finally started slowwwly working on the micro-estate down the end of the road - 18 townhouses on a small field!! - but I've only ever seen a maximum of like three guys there doing f**k all. Meaning I'm even more paranoid about the bridge across the creek - it can barely cope with the traffic we get now, let alone deal with the added stress from this new place. And they're trying to sell them for $680,000 each. If each plot was the same size as the rest of the ones down the street - of which there is room for five - then maybe, yes, I can understand; but these "townhouses" are tiny terraces with no garden at all and room for one micro-car like a Ford Ka or similar. Not at all the vehicles that are driven by the kind of people who live in this country; everyone here has a ute or an SUV, usually both.

And that's not even mentioning the influx of enormous American utes recently; great massive 'trucks' that a tall 8-year-old can stand in front of and not be seen by the driver. Huge cars that never leave urban streets so are unnecessary and don't fit into a single parking space...

I still have my large W.I.P pile to work on too, yet that hasn't stopped me starting another one - at least with this new one I have the excuse that it's for a friend so there's a soft deadline on it. It's the first jumper I've ever made but it's going well so far - when I can get myself to work on it. Aside from that I still have: the socks I'm making for Caitlin and to use up the fluffy yarn; the dress I'm making which I need help with; the original fiction I'm handwriting the first draft of; the Storm Hawks fanfic I've done like two and a bit chapters of; technically I still have a few Lethandrel One-Eye stories to work on (but I haven't actually started on them so it's fine); the Fallout Australia fanwork to plotline out and sketch; the digital art projects (of which I have three); then there are all the recipes I want to try...

Of course none of that stops me from wanting to try new things I've seen like Barbie doll customising - watching a few videos of someone doing that on Facebook made me want to try to make Heron, my Storm Hawks fan-character (OC). But since I have so many W.I.P.s I have somewhat successfully put that idea aside for now. But to my eternal shame, executive dysfunction means all I do is sit and play Elder Scrolls Online or other video games. I have made some progress on my 'Pokedex in Minecraft' but that's easy enough since it's already on my computer and since I'm using it I might as well...

Speaking of, I now have to have two laptops - one for games and one for art and everything else. Meant I had to do a little finagling with the 'Pokedex in Minecraft' thing to swap the save from one computer to the other so I didn't have to start over (again lol). The main disappointment in the new laptop is that when it boots up, the keyboard lights up all rainbow but once it's finished it settles into a sort of sky-aqua colour. Surely it would be easy enough to code it so that each time it's turned on or woken up the keyboard lights up a different colour?! I mean, the colours are right there it can't be that hard. Alien is missing out on a simple marketing thing right there! If they can randomise colours on a touch-lamp then a gaming laptop should be too simple.

I don't know. Just a load of big feelings and nowhere to put them.

Saturday, 29 July 2023

(Tales From the D&D Table) The Missing Mage Part Seven

I'm just gonna straight up post my session notes from now on; I just don't have the mojo to do a proper write up any more. Yay autism/probably ADHD too! 

  • Everyone asleep except Pen who is on last watch
  • Weird dreams about the pool and Delta finishing the thing and talking to someone
  • Shift to forest, see selves asleep, feel doomy and see shadows that engulf us, wake up.
  • "Well that was a thing."
  • Other party asleep, one elf missing, female elf awake and is like 'shh.'
  •  Sunriseish.
  • Getting colder and darker, hear scary noise.
  • Euraxia gets the feeling we're too late to stop The Thing.
  • Blinding Darkness, only thing visible is fire.
  • Penny uses Divine Sense, gets nothing, does sense undead.
  • Hal sees approaching light, other's don't.
  • Approach light.
  • Light is other party, they're ready for shit. Boy elf still gone.
  • "You good?"
  • 'This your fault? We aint seen shit like this til you appear.'
  • "Oh yeah like you're all on top of things."
  • Half-orc draws big black cock sword.
  • "Not even our warlock can do this what you on."
  • 'You gonna help us then.'
  • "Where'd the other elf go."
  • 'Foraging.'
  • Group up with defenses out, head toward ROAR
  • Torchlight getting more useless, nearly collide with trees a few times.
  • Penny: "Next tree we hit we burn."
  • Bump into tree, take branches to make torch bigger, kinda works.
  • Hal casts Summon Familiar, little bat (called Kevin) appears.
  • Via bat, Hal sees big humanoid approaching, shedding smaller humanoid shapes.
  • 'We gonna hafta fight.' Make fire bigger.
  • Shadow flits in and out of light.
  • "What was that?" 'IDK'
  • Fight time!
  • Everyone else sees big foot on edge of light.
  • Other warlock gets out whip, asks what it is, whip says 'think thing.' Attacks with whip; no apparent effect.
  • Euraxia shoots, misses.
  • Nick attacks, miss.
  • Penny uses 'sacred weapon' ability, glow makes it easier to see big shifty shape that is bigger than the trees
  • Halbarad Eldritch Blasts, misses
  • Other Half-Orc swaps out for a big bow, shoots, hits.
  • Big Thing roars, everyone is big ow and stunned.
  • 3 of the lil shadows attack other Half-Orc, latch on and drain strength.
  • Last shadow attacks Nick, latches on and drains strength. More ow for Nick.
  • No one can do anything, Big Thing continues forward.
  • Gug attacks shadows on other Half-Orc, kills one.
  • She-Elf's turn, attacks two shadows, kills one, big ow on other.
  • Last two shadows miss despite being literally attached to targets.
  • Other warlock withdraws whip into rod and uses it to open Gateway and fills area with horrors and gross noises.
  • Euraxia attacks shadow on Nick's face, nearly kills it.
  • Nick attacks shadow, kills it.
  • Penny Lay Hands on Nick, heals a bit.
  • Hal Eldritch Blasts, hits.
  • Other Half-Orc is mad, misses last shadow.
  • Big Thing fails to do pretty much anything, is slightly hurt by light.
  • Gug attacks remaining shadow, kills it.
  • Other warlock still channeling Gateway
  • Euraxia shoots Big Thing, hits.
  • Nick attacks Big Thing, hits.
  • Penny attacks Big Thing, hits.
  • Big Thing now has very sore foot.
  • Hal Eldritch Blasts Big Thing, kills it.
  • Big Thing topples and disperses, as does Darkness.
  • Other warlock stops channeling, uses energy to douse burning tree.
  • Big Thing dropped loot including lump of flesh for some reason.
  • Also find random clothes and food and adventuring stuff and Bag of Holding, which goes to Halbarad.
  • Bag has potions of healing, a scroll of Scry, a Lantern of Revealing and some gold.
  • Share out the gold, leave the potions in the Bag, Penny claims the Lantern.
  • Everyone glad we avoided TPK.

Friday, 28 July 2023

(Tales From the D&D Table) The Missing Mage Part Six

Yeah I know shut up.
  • Put animals back except for spongedog because he too big for lil box so leave box open but close big door
  • Go to cell with Darkness
  • Tie each other together and go in
  • Darkness is like 'help' and when we're like "hello" hear a lot of voices
  • Darkness is consciousness of townsfolk?
  • "Can we help?" 'let us show you'
  • Can't see much but can see more than stairway Darkness
  • Movement? getting nearer
  • Arm offers hand
  • Paladin takes hand
  • Pulled into Darkness, whooooo rollercoaster
  • Emerge into outside where everything is burning colour, arm continues on over horizon
  • Follow arm
  • 'So tired' arm bursts into silvery goo
  • Follow silver goo trail
  • Same as rock goo that covered Cletus and son but doesn't set
  • Feels almost like a dream
  • Halbarad's spell wears off
  • Trail goes forever, sun doesn't move
  • Short rest
  • Nothing changes - weather, sun, etc
  • Continue following goo trail
  • Something appears in distance at end of trail
  • Fairly large goo pool
  • 'Enter the pool'
  • Nick goes into pool "Two tugs is good three is get me out"
  • Sees memories etc, Nick is ow
  • Everyone goes into goo
  • Paladin cannonballs, non-newtonian fluid
  • Paladin and warlock are fine, rogue is big ow
  • 'Sorry bout brain scan' "How help?"
  • 'We are magic, but is tiring, esper stuff. Met Omega and was like 'ew scary' and threw him out but he came back and stole some of us.'
  • "Can use you to turn people to stone?" 'if we leave this plane we panic and try to reach out to minds and enter stasis until we can come home'
  • "We'll stop him. How do we find him?"
  • 'Omega came thru portal he made, Darkness is portal. Is Wrong'
  • Show it memories of Darkness trip 'well that's fucked up'
  • Big stadium cave is separate demiplane
  • 'Delta is borrowing magic, probably from Omega'
  • "We either lure D out of demiplane or remove ring somehow"
  • "Could trick him out by injuring important subordinate"
  • Friend of Gug had portal whip, doesn't know much about it
  • 'One day there were there then the next they weren't'
  • "Maybe ooze could portal us there"
  • 'Once. No more'
  • "Take us to whip?" 'Can go to Gug's friends'
  • "What do we call you?" 'IDK' "Oobleck"
  • Portal to Gug's friends, another dark rip in reality
  • Go thru portal
  • As we leave portal we thump onto ground
  • In foresty place at night, light a torch
  • Nothing really to see but arguing in distance
  • Go towards arguing
  • Gug recognises voices, runs ahead, follow
  • Voices are two of Gug's friends, the Half-Orc and the Tiefling
  • Tiefling is ow
  • "What happened?"
  • 'Who tf are you?'
  • "We need your help, especially with the whip"
  • Paladin Lay on Hands on Tiefling
  • 'Who tf are you?'
  • Intro ourselves
  • 'Elf friends are looking for food'
  • "How'd you end up here"
  • 'We got lost.'
  • "Gug woke up and you were gone, what happened?"
  • 'IDK it's been a while'
  • "I think they deliberately left Gug behind."
  • "We could try to reason with them, talk Warlock to Warlock while the rest of us distract the Half-Orc"
  • Distract Half-Orc and ease them away from the Warlocks
  • 'We were supposed to deliver some research stuff to a guy and got lost, Half-Orc deliberately left Gug behind, whip was a gift from my patron (whose whole thing is whips and shit)'
  • Half-Orc is not nice - evil spectrum?
  • "Where'd the rest of your friends go for food tho?" 'IDK been a while, they always come back'
  • Return to Hal etc
  • Half-Orc is being all friendy with Gug
  • is sus
  • Short rest
  • Everyone back at 100%
  • Being watched by an elf in a tree, only warlock notices
  • 'Why yall here'
  • "Were helping Gug find her friends"
  • 'thanks'
  • "Why did she wake up alone"
  • 'IDK she slept late and we got lost'
  • "How did Tief break ankle?"
  • 'Fell outta tree'
  • "Why was she in a tree? Why is there an elf in the tree?"
  • 'Oh. huh. He's shy?'
  • "So where's the other one?"
  • Elf comes down, brings another with bag of stuff
  • "Why was the Tief in a tree?"
  • 'Wanted to see surrounds'
  • "Why you avoid us?"
  • 'Strangers'
  • "Can help you find way out"
  • 'Gug can help us find the way out' so why leave her behind
  • "So how come you are all together?"
  • 'Half-Orc hired elves and met Tief and Gug later on'
  • Long rest with watch shifts
  • Nothing happens during

Saturday, 15 July 2023

(Tales From the D&D Table) The Missing Mage Part Five

 (Again, been a little while so just the notes)
  •  Go down to Containment
  • Open door 8 - sponge
  • Full of sea sponge
  • Open door 7 - fortune teller
  • Scary weird lady inside
  • Talk to them
  • Rest of group enters room
  • See tarot
  •  Fighter pulls "Axe 3"
  • "ooo violence"
  • Fighter is like lol no (everyone else is like are you fcking stupid)
  • Suddenly trio of axes swing at Fighter
  • Minor owie
  • Paladin sits, pulls card
  • "Brain 9"
  • Paladin carefully leaves room with chair still attached to butt, once out puts chair back in, room fills with water as door shuts
  • "Hey no fair" from inside
  • Door 6 - fox
  • Inside is big fox, is all grrr
  • Not like normal fox
  • Close door
  • Door 4
  • Inside is 3 big metal box with barred window
  • Animal noise from inside
  • Peer inside leftmost
  • Big green spherical frog
  • Middle one is tiny flying octopus
  • Rightmost is shark with legs
  • Leave them for now
  • Door 3 - darkness
  • Darkness who fucking knew, same as at end of hall
  • Door 2 - compass turtles
  • Tortoise from inside immediately leaves cell, heads for stairs
  • Paladin picks it up, is holding and petting tortoise
  • Door 1 - duck?
  • Inside is very big asthmatic duck
  • Door 5 - do not open etc
  • Inside is chained door
  • Rogue picks locks inside is smaller safe
  • Picks lock on chains around smaller safe, inside is tiny box that is taped shut
  • Break tape
  • From inside comes big sponge, turns into very happy pomeranian
  • Return to door 7
  • Lots of water comes out, FT unconscious
  • Put various animal aquisitions back except for tortoise
  • Follow tortoise to the stairs, carry it up
  • Jeremy is trying to move stoned Cletus and kid
  • Tortoise wants more up
  • Follow it up to Hall
  • Tortoise wants to leave
  • Pick up tortoise, head back inside to go talk to Jeremy again
  • "What's with the critters? We'll help with the thing."
  • 'Dunno what's with the spongedog, Miguel made tortoise to try to go to Sophie.'
  • 'OG Miguel was tryna make magic pets/gifts. Failed weirdly.'
  • "Will you look after them for us."
  • 'Um sure; Fortune Teller was New Miguel bs'
  • Ask about darkness, want to maybe help it so is easier to get thru

(Tales from the D&D Table) The Missing Mage Part Four

(I'm just posting these notes as is because I can't be arsed after a few weeks to type it out lol)

  • Since all rooms are empty Steve and Cletus runs downstairs
  • Follow
  • Gug goes back to cell
  • Hear weird hum
  • Processing guardpost now empty
  • Cell 1 open, bright flashing light and noise from inside
  • Paladin casts Divine Sense, same as before
  • All doors on one side lead to one big room
  • Big magic circle, hum is loud, in middle is humanoid thing, Cletus is trying to grab thing but is getting covered in stone?, Steve is tryna pull him out
  • Penny tries to pull too, no avail
  • Once Cletus fully enveloped light stops
  • Oh noes
  • Middle of circle is one of their kids
  • Euraxia gives him hug
  • See heap of stone lumps, all except fighter sees that one lump is not stone, is twitchy with Jeremy hiding behind
  • Promise not to stab if he comes out peacefully
  • Steve goes to twitchy boy "Luke!"
  • Turns out Miguel is Big Cheese
  • Cell Miguel is original, rest of Miguels are evil brain splits
  • Robed Person is also Miguel
  • "How to undo petrify?" 'Omega'
  • "Who and where" 'IDK'
  • What is going on 'no fucking clue bruh'
  • Can brain split be undid 'yeah Omega has been trying to fix'
  • Why use the townsfolk 'IDK'
  • No celestial presence anymore
  • Where was brain split "other side bruh"
  • Gug has reappeared
  • Open door to other side, inside is weird shit
  • Find a thing like a goldfish bowl with runes and weird rock, possibly adamantium ore/space rock
  • Bowl is glowing, is scanning the rock, put the adamantium in the bowl and the wall changes to match, take rock out illusion changes to water, hand in bowl turns to half-orc flesh
  • Paper with 'Nerd' written on it turns wall into weirdness like paper
  • Is bowl big enough for head - yes
  • Nothing particulary clue-y
  • Warlock and Gug go back to guardpost
  • Penny dunks rogue into bowl like digestive in tea
  • Penny and rogue join others
  • Guard finds us, is like WHAT THE FUCK
  • Fight time
  • Hits Euraxia, is now at ~half health
  • Euraxia hits
  • Nick hits
  • Warlock EB, hit
  • Guard is now BIG OW
  • Gug hits
  • Guard legs it
  • Penny lunges for him, grabs foot, tosses him at Jeremy at urging from Euraxia
  • While guard is seizing, take guard up to holding
  • Gug is like what, try to explain, fail
  • Loot guard of p much everything
  • Go back down to guardpost
  • Search for useful stuff
  • 'Even # - cocoon Odd # - cloning bay'
  • Nothing to get past Darkness easy
  • 'In case of accident contact Omega'
  • 'Delta - need more cocoons'
  • Rest finally clue into what the lumps are
  • Rest, heal
  • Share backstories - Penny's whole clan wiped out when spaceship crash landed on town; Halbarad is just Like That I Guess; Nick is ashamed of elven half because racist arseholes; Euraxia literally can't talk about her past as a spy because state secrets.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

(Tales from the D&D Table) The Missing Mage Part Three

As the party examine the huge stadium-like cavern we find ourselves in, we realise that despite how well lit the area is there are no apparent light sources. Across the floor, at the bottom of a huge creepy dais, is a fractalline pattern of lumps of various sizes. In the centre of this is a humanoid figure in dark robes, beckoning us down.

The group is, of course, wary of such a stranger, but before any action can really be taken, the figure makes a different gesture and five chairs form out of the stone behind them, scoop them up and slide down towards the figure who turns out to be apparently a man in a black robe with thread-of-gold fractalline embroidery and a featureless mask, decorated on the forehead with a symbol that is like a wiggly loop within a triangle.

Peculiarly, the fellow seems happy, if surprised, to see us. Penny tells him that Jeremy had sent us down, and he mentions that we're early and that everyone is currently out searching for a mislaid 'special thing' but should be along soon. Apparently the party has been mistaken for a group of initiates that the Robed Person has been expecting.

The Robed Person asks us about a fifth person, and Euraxia quickly lies and says that he had died in the Darkness. The Robed Person says that there was meant to be someone to escort us through the Darkness but they must have been called away to join the search. Penny asks about how it's strange that he mentions people but the town above is barren, to the quiet face-palming of the more savvy party members. After an awkward glance at the lumps, he mentions there were more but we should just wait as the rest will be returning soon.

The Robed Person gestures again and a plate full of raw vegetables appears and he suggests we snack as we wait. The whole situation has the entire group skeeved out so Penny feigns a bad reaction to a carrot and requests a quick way out.

Somehow the strange being, despite confusion, believes her, and after some awkward questions he provides the fighter a magic light and vague instructions on how to get back - just picture your target location in your mind as you travel through the Darkness.

Attempting to go straight back to the inn but instead finding ourselves in a building nearby, the party travel the short distance remaining to the inn, encountering no-one on the way. When they enter, however, it is swiftly discovered that both the unusually tall gnome and Miguel have both disappeared. The gang is essentially back at square one.

Searching the room Miguel had been left in, Halbarad finds the man's Sending Stone hidden under the bed. He takes the opportunity to update Sophie, the girl who had hired the group, on how we knew where her uncle was and we were working on rescuing him.

(At this point our DM took his phone out of his pocket, bemoaning its sudden warmth. "It's all that Hentai." I jokingly suggest just as our current host's father walks into the room.)

A short argument arises about how to plan our way back into the Town Hall complex again, Euraxia certain that their previous ruse would not work again despite not being caught the first time. There was also the fact that she no longer had the big-gnome's armour. Penny decides affirmative action is required and uses a blanket to disguise herself as a cultist, to which the rest of the party follow suit; the only one not to do so is Halbarad who instead casts Disguise Self to imitate one of the guards.

The party climb the mesa stairs once more in the pre-dawn light and let themselves back in, descending the spiral stairs once more; this time stopping at 'Holding', the floor they had been trapped on. Next to each door is a lever, and preparing for danger from within, Halbarad pulls the first - to reveal the cell the gang had escaped from, the only contents of which were the rags scattered across the floor.

The next lever reveals the cell was being used as a storeroom, with various household miscellanea and a load of healing kits which the group share out between them so they each had one. Only Euraxia had two, having taken the one the guard had had on him in his pockets earlier.

The third door is opened and from inside springs the bandit leader from the bridge, a scuffle that now seems so long ago. He is restrained and questioned, revealing that his family (who, as it turns out, were the rest of the bandits) had been taken as well, the last time he saw them was before he was trapped, and that he didn't remember how he came to be there.

Taking a pragmatic approach, Nick asks if he wants to help us find out what's going on here and maybe even find his family. He agrees, and Halbarad gives him one of his daggers.

The Warlock opens the fourth door, and from inside cascades the other Bridge Bandit, much to the relief of the guy we'd just saved. After a brief, and admittedly touching, reunion between Steve and Cletus, and finding doors five, six and eight opening to empty rooms, we head to the seventh door.

Its opening is met with a huge axe swinging out, followed by a very upset Orc woman. She takes another swing at the group, and it's only a swift declaration of "Don't kill us we're here to help" that stops her taking off our heads.

The Orc woman lowers her axe, and after introducing herself as Gug, also agrees to help us stop the apparent cult, as revenge for her incarceration.

And thus the band of four became seven, if only for a short time.

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

(Tales from the D&D Table) The Missing Mage Part Two

Picking up where we left off, with the minor change of the Warlock changing from Azkabam to Halbarad (a far more tolerable character), the party is stuck in a cell with Miguel, the man they had been searching for.

Euraxia, having peered through the hole made by the Paladin Penny and being surprised by an eye peering back at her, attempts to poke it. This does not fare well for her: her hand is now stuck in whatever owns the eye and she finds herself being pulled through the fragile not-stone wall and up, through the town hall above and far into the sky.

Everyone else merely sees her start seizing, her arm stuck through the wall with a fleshy ooze-like stuff clinging to her. Penny tries to pull the rogue back away from the wall but fails. Halbarad works out that the fleshy ooze-like stuff is like that because the creature on the other side of the wall is a fleshy, ooze-like thing.

While Penny and the fighter Nicholas struggle to prevent Euraxia from being sucked through the wall, Penny whacks the wall again in a separate place, making another hole through which seeps more fleshy ooze-like. Nicholas uses the torch he holds to try to burn the ooze, which thins out a little but not enough to relinquish its grip on the half-elf. The warlock attempts an Eldritch Blast, hitting the wall instead making yet another hole, which the paladin attempts to pull down, connecting the holes into one big one.

At this point Euraxia stops hallucinating and stabs at the ooze with her dagger, causing it to finally let go and she falls back, feeling very out-of-sorts indeed. Penny stabs the ooze, which begins to retreat; faster after Euraxia immerses her dagger in its being again.

Halbarad looks through the hole after the retreating fleshy ooze-like thing, and sees it retreating down a spiral staircase at the end of the hallway, which is lined with more not-stone cells. Signs on the stairway indicate 'Facade' up the stairs and, ominously, 'Processing' down.

Apparent danger now absent, Penny manages to awkwardly heft Miguel onto her shoulder and, enlarging the hole for ease of passage, we leave the cell and head to the stairs.

Deciding that exploring wherever we are with Miguel is probably a bad idea, we decide to head up. The fighter heads up first, treading heavily with his bare feet, and the warlock follows making an even louder ruckus. At the top, they find themselves under a light desk, which they move out of the way of the rest of the party.

As the rogue, bringing up the rear and still suffering the after-effects of her hallucinations, leaves the spiral staircase, they hear footsteps from below headed upwards, so the group upturn the desk and cover the exit of the stairs, hoping to at least mildly inconvenience whoever is following. They head out of the room into a hallway that spans the entire length of the building with the front entrance at one end and a back door at the other.

Thinking fast (despite her low intelligence) Euraxia pulls out her soap from her bag and, after wetting it, sends it skidding down the hallway towards the back door, reasoning that if there was a trap like the one at the front the soap would fall in and prove its existence. Thankfully there wasn't, but the door itself was locked - and just as sturdy as the front.

Hearing the desk being pushed aside from the room they'd just left, the party ducks into a side room (Euraxia retrieving her soap) and breaks a window to escape through; the fighter insisting on being carried beyond the broken glass while Halbarad manages to injure himself on a shard still stuck in the frame. This turns out to be a rather dangerous endeavour in itself as the space between the building and the edge of the mesa is just wide enough for travel in single file with Halbarad in front, followed by Euraxia then Penny (still carrying a now-somehow-asleep Miguel) and Nicholas bringing up rearguard.

Reaching the corner of the Town Hall, Halbarad peeks around to discover the entrance now guarded by two men in patchy plate armour. Euraxia slides past and walks up to the guards to distract them while the rest of the party head towards the stairs down into the town.

"Hey; there's a commotion going on downstairs - something about escaping prisoners? They need your help."

'Um.. that's why we were posted out here though.'

"Yeah, but they were seen going downstairs into processing and they need the extra hands."

'Damn it Jeremy.' One of the guards ducks back inside while the other lingers.

"You know how it is; always hand off the difficult jobs to the other guys. It sounded like they thought they'd be a bit of trouble though. Tell you what, I'll keep an eye on things here while you go help too."

'You sure? I guess that works...' and off goes the other.

Once the door has closed behind him, Euraxia beckons the party to go quickly and quietly down the stairs, following at the rear. Once out of sight of the Town Hall, the group all run back to the inn and slump down at a table. Miguel is placed down next to them.

Intending to rest up, recuperate and plan ahead, Nicholas enters one of the inn rooms to discover their stolen belongings stashed inside. Equipment reclaimed and Euraxia's musings that perhaps the bandits and the Town Hall Happenings are connected going apparently ignored, Nicholas takes first watch as the rest of the group sleep. His and Euraxia's shifts go by undisturbed, but during Penny's watch, something rustles outside.

She is outside investigating just long enough for one of the poorly equipped guards from before to somehow slip inside. Penny, immediately upon her return inside, takes them by surprise herself and grapples him, pinning his arms to his side. She wakes the rest of the crew except for the unfortunate Miguel (who has by this time been escorted into a comfortable room and tucked in) and we attempt to interrogate the unusually tall gnome.

At first all we get are ramblings about the 'one true god Kalina' until Penny threatens to turn his insides into outsides at which point all the party are able to uncover is that the townsfolk are all being used for some nefarious probably-a-ritual and are all in processing and the fleshy ooze-like thing is the Jeremy guy that the guard had mentioned before; someone a bit higher up the 'food chain' than the guards.

Having had enough, Halbarad asks the paladin to remove the guy's metal mask so he can knock the dude out with a thump to the face. Sizing up the fellow's armour, Euraxia reasons she can use it as a disguise so they can sneak back into the Town Hall as prisoners being led by a guard.

Hiding their larger weaponry and loosely binding themselves, with Euraxia wearing the awkward plate and mask and confidently leading the way, the group head back up the stairs as the sun slowly rises.

Using a key still in the armour pockets they re-enter the building and luckily the trap had been disabled for easy use by those meant to be there. People who were, apparently, currently absent.

Heading back down the spiral stairs, they pass the floor they had been briefly detained on and noticed that the door they'd made for themselves was apparently no longer there; it was as intact as the rest of them.

Down in Processing they found the floor to be pretty much identical to the one above, except for the labels on the doors and the guardpost at one end of the hallway - with a very oozy occupant who seemed to be currently distracted with, no doubt, workplace incident forms to be filled in triplicate and filed with the appropriate officers in HR.

The townsfolk apparently forgotten in the worry of being spotted by Jeremy, Euraxia and the party continue down the stairs to the bottom of the spiral to a floor that is yet again identical to the one above, but thankfully lacking in slimy horrors. The only difference with this floor is the wide stairway heading downwards into pitch darkness.

The group of almost-heroes pile into the empty guardpost and doff their 'bonds'. As Euraxia gladly sheds the borrowed armour, Halbarad uses Comprehend Languages to investigate the gnomish paperwork left on the desk in the middle of the room.

The language having been corrupted somehow does not help; even with the spell he can only make out some few words and a couple of passages mentioning apparently important people and locations. No understanding comes of this, so we investigate a set of eight levers that line one wall of the room, one of them pulled. Euraxia pushes it to match the others, reasoning that if the others currently were locked then that would lock whatever it was connected to and thus obstruct whatever would be on the other side of that lock.

Halbarad, however, follows no such logic and tugs on a different lever, which causes the sound of heavy breathing to appear from somewhere down the corridor.

Since his spell is still active, and ever the curious one, Halbarad requests of Penny to carry him from door to door to read what each of the labels on them say.

Door One: 'Duck?'

Door Two: 'Compass Turtles.'

Door Three: 'Darkness.'

Door Four: This one has no label on it, much to the warlock's (and the paladin's) disappointment.

Door Five. 'DO NOT OPEN! If you open this door you are being controlled. If you open this door you are to close it immediately and report to your superiors.'

Door Six: 'Fox.'

As we work our way down the corridor we come closer to the stairs and from the darkness comes a sussuration much like whispering. Nearly dauntless, we continue reading the labels.

Door Seven: 'Fortune Teller.'

Door Eight: 'Sponge.'

We are right next to the darkness and it feels a lot darker than normal darkness. The torches don't seem to be able to cast their usual light down this end. Penny casts Divine Sense again, and feels the presence of corrupted celestial and fiendish energies from around them in the cells - or was it from the cells themselves?

The party start down the ominous stairs, but immediately turn around to go back to the hallway as it was so dark as to be immediately disorientating. Not even the 'halfers' with their darkvision could see. What was even more disconcerting was that it took a good couple of minutes to return to the hallway when they had only taken a couple of steps in...

 Using the various lengths of rope the party owned, they used them to tether each other together lest one get lost in the Dark. Reluctantly the group re-enter the Dark, carefully descending. The further the group goes the thicker the air seems and the louder the whispering which never quite forms into actual words. Something is very wrong with this Darkness, but having gone so far the only way out is further on. Halbarad is the only one not forced to his knees by a painful sensation of something scratching at them from inside their bodies, but everyone manages to regain their footing and continue onwards through the wall of blackness ahead of them.

Suddenly the pressure dramatically changes and it is like trying to walk through half-set concrete. Penny, Nicholas and Euraxia manage to force their way through into a huge cavern, dragging the unfortunate warlock out behind them who suffers from such a violent action.

The group takes a moment to recover and untie themselves, and gaze around them with awe.

The cavern they are in is absolutely enormous, the Darkness seeming to be a patch some twenty feet away from the nearest wall. The floor slopes towards a dais in the centre in such a way that, were the cavern filled with a crowd, everyone could see whatever was happening in the middle. Obviously whatever this space was for was not going to be something good!

Saturday, 13 May 2023

(Tales from the D&D Table) The Missing Mage Part One

We start, of course, in the tavern of an inn, drinking and just hanging out. A Half-Orc Paladin named Penny, a Half-Elf Fighter named Nicholas, a Human Warlock apparently named Azkabam and myself, a Half-Elf Rogue called Euraxia. It's a little past sunset and we're expecting another regular night when in walks a distraught Sophie, whose uncle Manuel, the Mug Mage and locally renowned politician, has gone missing and hasn't contacted her via their speaking stones for a few days.

She takes us to her large home, where there is a large portrait of the missing man hanging in the entrance hall. After a few useful questions, awkward (and belated) introductions and some less-useful comments from the Warlock and Paladin, we accept her request to find her uncle and return to the inn, setting out in the morning.

The day starts and we head north towards the town Sophie said her uncle lived in. A short argument at a crossroad later, we take the road we think is the most north-headed and enter a forest. At a bridge we are accosted by a rough pair claiming to be taxmen gathering tolls for the 'new' bridge. Not believing them, the Halfer trio call the leader out on his obvious lie, not helped by his claim of the local Lord's name being 'F**k You'.

Calling on the rest of his small group of bandits, the leader attacks Nicholas, hitting twice and taking a little under half his health in one turn. The Warlock retaliates with an Eldritch Blast, dealing a good bit of damage himself. The first of the rest of the bandits is next, attempting retribution on the Warlock but missing. Nicholas disengages, hiding behind the 7ft tall Penny, who is attacked by one of the other bandits, who manages to deal a huge chunk of damage to the Paladin.

Now it is my turn and Euraxia shoots at the leader, hitting for another small percent while the Paladin threatens the rest of the bandits with 'flossing with their intestines' which encourages a ranged approach which fails the first attempt.

The leader tries to attack the fighter again, not appreciating his idiotic taunts from behind the hulking Half-Orc, and despite a successful attack of opportunity manages to hit the Fighter, rendering him unconscious. Azkabam casts another Eldritch Blast at the leader, this time missing while the second-in-command tries and fails again to hit the Warlock. With Nicholas still unconscious, the bandit attacking the Paladin has another go at her, taking her out too.

Euraxia's second attack on the leader misses, as does a bandit's aim at the Warlock, but the last manages to give the magic user a new piercing.

The leader is fed up and nearly dead and persuades the remaining party members to give up a ration pack, the Rogue's short-bow and the Fighter's boots before the gang disappears into the forest.

Now combat is over, the Rogue manages to stabilise Penny and Nicholas. Penny then uses 'lay on hands' to heal herself and the Fighter a little before we all take a short rest to recuperate a little before we continue on our journey. Nicholas is upset about his boots but copes, and gives Euraxia his crossbow as she is not pleased herself with the prospect of having to melee with a dagger, preferring ranged weaponry.

We travel onward until nightfall, where we trek a little way into the forest to make camp for the night. The next day we're hale and healthy and continue along the road until late afternoon, when into view comes a town, surrounded by a palisade and a large building atop a mesa at the back. Even from a distance, however, we can tell that something is not right; there's no smoke or general hubbub coming from it, nor any sign of movement.

Investigating as we enter, we discover it to seemingly be freshly abandoned; meals sat uneaten but unrotten at dining tables and the inn seems like it simply didn't open for business that morning. Outside on a noticeboard are posted plenty of 'missing' posters, mostly tools, dogs, and children; and also a poster about a town meeting set for the night before our arrival.

Climbing up the steps to what turns out to be the town hall, we find the door locked and a light somewhere inside. Euraxia soundlessly picks the lock and pushes the door open, but as the group steps inside the floor disappears beneath them and they tumble into a lightless room.

Euraxia inquires on the health of everyone, and four voices answer her.

Startled, the Fighter manages to light a torch and discovers that we're in an apparently entryless, stone-walled cell with a high ceiling and clothing scraps on the floor - and an emaciated man in the corner.

This being the very man we had been tasked to find, we ask about what happened, but as far as he can recall there was nothing unusual happening before he himself fell into the cell on his daily trip to the town hall a few days ago. The trauma of this has aged him; he barely resembles the portrait his niece had shown us.

Looking around, a quick investigation of the walls reveals the stone is an illusion cast over a weaker material, and the Warlock finds a particularly weak spot, which the Paladin attacks with gusto, punching a fist-sized hole through whatever material it was made of.

Euraxia peers through, to find her action mirrored by another being on the other side...

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Thoughts On: Star Trek DS9 Season Four

  •  Changeling: changes from being a chair cushion Sisko & Kira: watch, get knocked back. Um... what. ("The Way of the Warrior")
  • Ah, training. Explains it.
  • When he asked for shore leave I don't think anyone expected him to mean for his entire fleet..!
  • 'We will be ready for them!' If there's any scenery left!
  • Of course, being a successful rebel operative would require a great deal of imagination, to be able to think up plans and back up plans and to think of ways out of sticky situations on the fly. It's just a different angle of thinking.
  • ...'I can't take the uniform off; I don't need clothes - I make my own.' Technically, Odo does everything naked!
  • ....I don't think that's Cassidy....
  • I like how they've woven in references to the movies in in such a way as to not completely alienate those who haven't seen them. Still not going to myself though =P
  • Quark is braver than he thinks he is; laughing at a Klingon! Even if that Klingon is Worf.
  • Good luck retrieving that dart! Impressive!
  • The Klingons are using the Dominion threat as a front/excuse to attack the Cardassians, on the assumption that they're colluding with the Dominion and that's why they've closed their borders. Hence the attack on Garak - Klingon see Cardassian, Klingon fight him; no matter which side of the border he is on.
  • Oh I do so enjoy being right.
  • Of course, considering this action would severely weaken both the Cardassians and the Klingons, how can he be so sure it's definitely Gowron he's receiving the orders from? Everyone is behaving so sketchy this episode! It's... uncomfortable...
  • Oh that's so clever! I don't think I've ever seen this in anything else - using the fact that no-one really thinks about the 'help' (tailors, maids, waiters etc) to discreetly tell them things in a plausibly deniable manner so they can pass messages.
  • And here Worf proves himself a better friend to Gowron than any of the other Klingons he surrounds himself with; a true friend tells you when you're doing something stupid instead of going along with it.
  • A decent engineer is never 100% certain about the machines he works on. You can never be certain something won't go wrong and you can never account for every possibility; to try is madness!
  • I was thinking why not use the tractor, but I wasn't thinking to use it like that... genius!
  • Garak's sarcasm is so thick you could serve it as a dessert!
  • I mean, say what you will about Quark; least he has his priorities straight.
  • Nog: 'I.O.U 1 disruptor pistol.'
  • Should probably have subs on for the Klingon only bits but not knowing exactly what they're saying kinda adds to the immersion IMO.
  • Humans: o.o Klingons in general: o^o Gowron: O^O
  • This one I had to watch in two chunks. Was it supposed to be one single hour-and-a-half episode or was it originally a two-parter that was merged into one by whoever uploaded the series to the site I got it from? (No, I didn't pirate it what are you talking about)
  • Jake: 'Let me tell you a story, all about how...' ("The Visitor")
  • Wait, how would a healing device erase the blood that's already bled from a wound? I mean, I get that it's just a way to show that the wound is all healed but the blood would still be there, just the cut would be closed... I'm thinking too much on this...
  • "The worst thing that could ever happen to a young man happened to me: my father died." So your mother is just some woman then huh... Though I guess it's a different kind of sad? A little 'old patriarchy' seeming though...
  • Ah I see... Jake couldn't 'move on' from his father's passing because he wasn't killed, just displaced... So I guess this one is gonna be about how this all only technically happened because they'll do something that prevents it all occurring in the first place.
  • I love the whole characterisation of Morn being an endless chatterbox while the character himself never actually has any spoken lines in the whole show!
  •  Incoming Dad to cock-block in
  • Kinda sad this episode is the only time we'd ever see old Jadzia, considering how they chose to end the character's story when the actor left.
  • Bisexual O'Brien confirmed! ("Hippocratic Oath")
  • You can only ever really keep a promise if that promise is to try; any other promise is definitely going to be broken at some point unless it has a definite deadline or end. That's how I think of it, anyway. I only ever promise to try because I know too well if I promise something more certain I'll only end up breaking that promise.
  • Nothing like a very-soon deadline to do the improbable.
  • If Goran'Agar has a genetic mutation meaning his body can create it's own 'White', couldn't Bashir use his blood or something to synthesise a cure from?
  • For an engineer, O'Brien is a very simple thinker...
  • Said: "You explain." Unsaid: 'I mean, all this is partially your fault. If you hadn't melted the equipment the doctor could have found what we wanted.'
  • Bashir: I'll just prank the hell out of you for the next couple months instead.
  • 'Come visit, Kira!' Because invitations from old friends, especially one as dodgy-looking as Razka Karn have always turned out well... ("Indiscretion")
  • Jadzia Dax, Yatesko Shipper-in-Chief!
  • Kira: 'I'll be right with you, Dukat, I just need to go throw up.'
  • Gods, they make getting a job at all sound easy... "20 minutes into the interview and... they asked 'when can you start?'" I mean, technically a quarter of all the interviews I've ever had have ended up in a job but those were merely until the government subsidy for employing a disabled person ran out, and I've only gotten to the interview stage on eight of the must-be-about over 50 jobs I've applied for in the last couple years... (I don't see the point in applying for most of the jobs that are out there simply because they're all either management or healthcare, which I am either unsuited or unqualified for respectively.)
  • Graves suggest survivors... at least at the time.
  • Poor Dukat, feeling a little... butt-hurt?
  • Sisko: 'Since when was my son so insightful?'
  •  'Oh no, a dangerous situation - let me just remove my helmet.' Because that's the smart thing to do.
  • Three-and-a-bit seasons and it still seems weird when Sisko refers to Dax as 'old man'. ("Rejoined")
  • Flummoxing Quark with sleight-of-hand will always amuse me!
  • Bashir: 'One day I'll learn how to say no to a pretty face...'
  • Well, they certainly don't seem to make clip-on earrings like they used to... We had a pair once that were just little white ovoids and they always slipped off within a minute. Spring had gotten slack probably...
  • Looks like one of those giant jungle flowers that stinks of rotting meat...
  • Given how things ended with Torias and Nilani, it's no wonder things are still the way they are between Dax and Kahn. They never got proper closure.
  • Well I can imagine the uproar after this episode... but then people still have trouble with women in same-sex relationships today so I can also imagine the reams of 'wow they're such good friends!' comments.
  • Reading through the episode's page on Memory Alpha and found this which I think I love: 'Steve Oster recollected that a man called the show and complained, "You're ruining my kids by making them watch two women kiss like that." It was a production assistant who took the call. After hearing the man's complaint, the PA asked if the man would've been okay with his kids seeing one woman shoot the other. When the man said he would be okay with that, the PA said, "You should reconsider who's messing up your kids." (Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Companion (p. 279))''
  • I don't think the wormhole was meant to do that...
  • With a title like "Starship Down" I was expecting more rabbits...
  • Are we really meant to believe that humanity has forgotten sonar in the future purely because technology has improved 'beyond' it?
  •  Remember what Scotty said, O'Brien: tell them it'll take longer than it actually will so that when they give you a ridiculously short time frame to do it in it seems more miraculous that you did it!
  • Quark: "Rich beyond our dreams..." Like you already have?
  • Regretting your fast now, huh Kira?
  • Dax: 'Thanks for trying to rescue me; now I won't die alone.'
  • Those poor engineers; going from working with a leader to a boss...
  • Yay, it didn't explode!... oh no, it didn't explode...
  • Not sure I like the new decor in the mess hall. Really clashes with the space theme.
  • Wow, the smile on Kira's face when Sisko invited her to a baseball game - glorious!
  • Quark is going to crash that thing within five minutes of leaving dock... ("Little Green Men")
  • Ooooh think I know which one this is now!
  • I was going to comment on the possibility of them forgetting to edit the green-screen behind Quark, but the next scene proved it part of his chair. Thank goodness for inertia delaying my pausing the episode!
  • Of course, all that means no profit from the kemocite... damaged goods and all that - if there's any left to sell!
  • I like how they did the whole 'one race talking and the other can't understand' and vice versa thing they did. Clever.
  • Nog you little slut. Right in front of her fiance too!
  • Oh great. Not only is Odo stuck with them, he also has to help them steal a nuke.
  • Are we seeing the birth of the Mirrorverse..?
  • Carlson: 'Do all non-humans lack eyebrows?'
  • Ok, maybe not steal a nuke, but still. Flying directly into the blast of one...
  • Kor: 'I know I said don't tell anyone but Worf isn't just anyone!' ("The Sword of Kahless")
  • Well that settles his fate then; dreaming of lost friends pretty much guarantees you'll have joined them by episode's end!
  • Well, obviously finding the sword wasn't the difficult part, judging by the fact that it's only 3/8 the way through the episode.
  • The sword is cursed; any who hold it believe themselves to be the one meant to wield it in power. The only real solution to things like that is to destroy the object itself...
  • Kor: 'Why did we park so damn far away?!'
  • This episode is so dark I can't see much of what's happening. Probably need to adjust my screen settings.
  • Had a fiddle, nothing can really be changed. Oh well; was worth a try.
  • I'm surprised the sword is still whole, let alone usable. Human weapons after 1200 years are usually pretty ruined, even when they're well kept - take Tutankhamun's meteorite dagger, for instance. Seems pretty intact - it's even still quite rust-free - but I don't think it could take heavy impact (as if from blocking an attack, for instance) very well. (Ok, maybe not the best example, but it's the most similar one I could think of!)
  • I'm having GoT s8 'long night' flashbacks - nothing much beyond movement visible and lots of 'Aaargh! Hurgh! Oof! Biff!'...
  • Well that puts a whole new meaning to 'space sword'.
  • "I wonder what scared her away?" Bashir: 'Probably the guy who looks somewhat like he's been in the bath for an hour too long.' ("Our Man Bashir")
  • Poor Garak is going to be so disappointed when he learns that the real MI6 is nothing like the holosuite's depiction! (Apparently involves a lot more paperwork, for one!)
  • Eddington: 'Oh shit; I exploded the senior staff.'
  • Ominously eye-patched O'Brien isn't quite who I was expecting to appear either - I thought it would have been Sisko. But then again, this way does have a better effect...
  • I'm surprised they didn't think of the holosuites before, to be honest. They know that they have to be high-tech to run properly in the first place, so of course they're the perfect place to store people's transporter buffer patterns.
  • A very fast acting drug, that they are rendered unconscious immediately at the mere contact with it!
  • Garak: "This decade truly has no taste." Oh wait until you see what they thought looked good in the seventies! (carpeted bathroom, anyone? It even runs up the side of the bathtub!)
  • Something tells me the original Hippocrates Noah was an unflattering near-caricature of a Chinese person, as they usually were portrayed in media of the 60s.
  • Do you think Noah would have one of these on his car?
  • 'Or what? You'll shoot me?' - man who was shot.
  • You can tell they had fun with this one - they all were chewing so much scenery I'm surprised there's enough left to finish the season!
  • Messing with Odo's stuff is just cruel; they're basically intentionally triggering someone with rather extreme OCD and getting upset when he freaks out. ("Homefront")
  • Must be some hella good transmitters if they can have instantaneous chat like that with that much distance between DS9 and Earth.
  • War-front promotions, such as Sisko's to 'acting head of security', are always somewhat awkward, I think. No-one really wants to be promoted during war time since it usually means the previous owner of the rank/title died fairly recently...
  • How the extras in the back can watch that loving reunion and just continue on as though they'd just seen a pigeon fly past the window I don't know... IRL seeing that would bring a smile to any face!
  • Nog: 'I'm really starting to struggle at the Academy and I'm not making friends and I'm embarrassed about that because I'm supposed to be doing so amazingly well.' That's a feeling we've all had at some point... at least, I have...
  • It's the same problem everyone has. 'We need to do something about [x].' "We should do [y]; it works." 'That's too disruptive/expensive. We won't do it.' Then later 'Why is [x] still a problem you were supposed to fix it.' "sigh" And then, even later. 'We did [y] and it solved the problem. You should have said something sooner.' "SIGH"
  •  "Paradise Lost". Now that's an ominous decision of episode title...
  • Oh dear - another fancy squad of cadets is in trouble. Though this time, sounds like, it's for being the unwitting pawns of the Dominion.
  • (I'm almost regretting my choice in new headphones; they make my head heavy, my ears ache, and they keep catching on my hair...)
  • Seems like the cadet has that recessive gene that causes your ears to seem pointed...I thought that was just a story, like Alexandria's Genesis...
  • There's always quislings in every war; people who are deluded into thinking they'd benefit from the enemy winning, be it financially or influentially.
  • You're willing to become the very thing we're fighting against? Becoming the monster to fight the monster never works.
  • I like the apparent seamless integration of original buildings and future-modern construction in the city. It's very organic and realistic, in a way. City planners IRL seem all too eager to knock down and rebuild on top of historic structures, though, no matter the apparent importance of what was originally there. I'm sure the people of Boston would have considered Scollay Square a 'historical location of some importance' had it not been bulldozed to build a load of government buildings on. (And all the salty Fallout fans who cosplay Hancock who can't do any 'Goodneighbor' photo-shoots because of it!)
  • People who've served with Sisko have a horrible habit of becoming bad guys...
  • When people like Leyton talk about loyalty, they usually mean the blind kind.
  • Odo doing everything he can to see Kira smile... that's just adorable. ("Crossfire")
  • Surely, though, Odo would understand that rigid routine is, in itself, a security risk.
  • The Red Herring approacheth...
  • Ah, a small child; the deadliest weapon of them all!
  • My god... to be able to portray such heavy emotion so well through such thick prosthetics... the Emmys are too narrow-minded when it comes to award-winning acting.
  • Perhaps a group hug with Odo is in order? Ensure a softer landing?
  • ...I guess that works too. LOL.
  • Odo.exe has crashed. Please shut down and restart the program.
  • Quark, can't you see? He's not sitting alone in the rubble. He's sulking... aesthetically...
  • "Fuck you!" he said with love. "Fuck you too!" he replied with equal sentiment. I think I have a new favourite friendship dynamic!
  • 12+ vaxes in one go - I hope they were able to remove all chances of side effects by whichever century this is otherwise Kira is gonna suffer for the next few days... ("Return to Grace")
  • Oh dear... obviously not... See this is why we try to merge them together (like the MMR one [measles, mumps, rubella]) so you don't have to get stuck so many times!
  • Least they only seem to last a few hours, unlike some which can last days (the Covid one, for instance - though I've been lucky with them so far; just a sore arm for a few days each time.).
  • At least you get out more than you would if you were still in government, Dukat. If I could go see other planets in such an easy manner as people are able to in ST you'd never get me home again...
  • Well, the Klingons have something to laugh about, at least. Spreading happiness, wherever you go!
  • It always amazes me somewhat that they have these conversations within full earshot of the crew and/or whoever else is nearby and somehow expect to not be heard. Especially when the characters are supposedly having a private conversation that the other people nearby don't hear despite the fact they don't particularly bother trying to be quiet! There are some things I cannot suspend disbelief on...
  • It is so much more difficult to concentrate when you can't reach the keyboard well because of the tiny dog on your lap using your right wrist as a pillow...
  • I've probably said this before, but Cardassians seem to be such good parents.
  • "Sup bro long time no see. Kill me!" Klingons are strange... ("Sons of Mogh")
  • Oh, let the Klingon Empire be shifty in peace!
  • 'Quick, we have to interfere with Worf's native culture, as it doesn't align with ours!' What was that part of the Prime Directive, again? No interfering with alien culture, however it differs from our own?
  • Alright, fine. Here's a solution for everyone. Let Kurn die - but only for a minute or so. Then revive him. He died, so his honour death thingy is fulfilled but no lives were actually lost so no murders.
  • I'm glad I don't have such a bad identity crisis as Worf; sounds impossible to live with!
  • If starships could speak, they'd all be screaming the Klingon for "OOOOHH SHHHIIIIIITT!"
  • "How come you get to be High King?" IDK, maybe because it's an Irish battle, and he's Irish!? ("Bar Association")
  • The Ferengi method of business is far too similar to modern capitalist business methods...
  • Oh to have such job security as O'Brien!
  • It's a bar; there's gonna be some 'Klingon debates' every now and then. Makes it worth the night out!
  • 'Stop using my own words to hurt me!'
  • No-one can hate you quite as much as someone who loves you!
  • Oooh a broken star-sail ship! ("Accession")
  • 'But if you are the Emissary, and I am the Emissary... then who's flying the plane!?'
  • Well, it took him 200 years to get out the wormhole; no wonder the Prophets chose a new Emissary!
  • ...until it turns out he's a Changeling here to cause chaos...
  • And suddenly Sisko realises being the Emissary isn't so bad after all.
  • 'Miles, I can't work with you moping; go play with your boyfriend for a bit.'
  •  Somehow I immediately knew this was a nightmare Worf was having and not a cold open on an actual thing that happened. ("Rules of Engagement")
  • Wait; it was both? Have I missed something?
  • It's definitely an interesting perspective to have, that the court of law is another form of battle. And not a totally incorrect one either, I think.
  • For a race that's a master of keeping their emotions in check, the Vulcan admiral looks so bored.
  • Or maybe a Founder was aboard the transport and was like 'Today I shall cause trouble on purpose.'
  • Surely one way to throw the Klingon advocate off would be to ask him whether he's been in any actual combat situations. See how much he likes the 'what would you have done' line then.
  • That's provocation and therefore any case he was trying to make with that doesn't count, surely?
  • What does it mean? Well, you can't murder someone who is already dead...
  • Aaaand gottem.
  • Oo think I know which one this is. ("Hard Time")
  • I didn't know that others were aware of his 20yr mental imprisonment thing though. Having not actually seen this episode I thought it was just another thing that happened to him that everyone helps him work through.
  • Ugh I don't even want to imagine having to deal with the trauma of being incarcerated and the institutionalisation without the actual imprisonment happening.
  • Gotta love when you look up the episode on Memory Alpha to check the spelling of a name and get spoiled by the summary at the beginning of the page. At least now I know why he doesn't mention Ee'char to Bashir.
  • What if the AR that the prison is is one big program and Ee'char was another real person going through the AR prison, and he wasn't killed by O'Brien, his 'sentence' just finished so they added that little detail as extra punishment for Miles?
  • "It's a sonic screwdriver. Forgotten by some weirdo traveller in some blue box. Had a cool coat and a penchant for running." (The best part of this joke is there is a legit crossover comic out there!)
  • They really should have bothered with makeup for the over-the-shoulder shots with Ee'char; it's a little too obvious it's just some actress with her hair in a scruffy bun... and very different from what you'd actually see, judging from the 'Miles POV' shots. Plus the very definitely pink skin tone compared to the green/grey of the prostheses.
  • Sadly, you can't escape your own brain no matter how much you might want to; believe me...
  • The worst part of this is the Prime Directive means that they can't do anything to the Argrathi (like suing them) for reparations.
  • Well that would be the weirdest thing to happen to anyone; walking home and bam! There's your dead mother, sitting on the couch and smiling at you! ("Shattered Mirror")
  • Y'know, I should have guessed from the episode title it'd be a Mirrorverse episode. Sigh; guess I should prepare myself for some unnecessarily evil shenanigans.
  • This would make things with Kassidy even more complicated...
  • See; told you. Unnecessarily evil shenanigans.
  • I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Mirrorverse episodes are just unnecessary. It made for a good episode of TOS but it should have been left at that.
  • Yeah yeah I know; if I hate them so much just skip them. But it wouldn't be a proper watch-through, would it?
  • At least you got a proper goodbye this time, Sisko.
  • Odo: the original Surprised Patrick! ("The Muse")
  • Poor man's such a sucker for the puppy eyes..
  • Just that little moment with Lwaxana and Odo... so sweet.
  • I knew solo alien chick would be some sort of emotion feeder or something!
  • Get you a man who'll switch to your pillow when you get up before he does! ("For The Cause")
  • Sheesh, Sisko just can't catch a break when it comes to romance! I really hope that it turns out that Kassidy isn't the smuggler; that's it's someone on her ship who's just using her as a cover/patsy.
  • Garak, she's a bit too young for you. You're being just a bit creepy.
  • Oh you know he hurting when he won't talk to his best friend...
  • Don't be so damn heteronormative, Quark. That's so 1990s of you.
  • Even if we hadn't worked it out by now, it's so painfully obvious that those orders were not from Starfleet. There's no way an organisation like Starfleet would change plans for an operation like this at the last minute like that.
  •  Ugh, can't be away for five minutes without something going horribly wrong... ("To The Death")
  • Just met Weyoun for the first time. Hate him already - somehow slimier than Dukat!
  • So I've just realised that the new "Kelvin-verse" Klingons look more like Jem'Hadar than they do Klingons...
  • Something the Jem'Hadar would do well to learn: every soldier that survives battle is one more experienced man for the next one; so surely trying to keep as many on your side alive as possible would mean a better battle the next time and so on?
  • ...Has Dax already forgotten the Jem'Hadar child from the previous season and how he was a full grown, near feral adult within days of finding him?
  • One down, x many to go..!
  • So... you're not going to try to find any of the stuff they stole..? You know, the whole reason you went after them in the first place!?
  • I mean, random native is probably right - don't want to risk taking some new xeno-plague with no known cure back to DS9. ("The Quickening")
  • The native doctor has a point though - dying of a cureless illness slowly and painfully? It's better caring for them to euthanise than to try to drag their life out for longer. It's just as cruel to prolong a human's painful death as it is an animal's.
  • The worst part of this episode is watching it post 2020/21 and just knowing that there'd be some pregnant people who would refuse the vaccine because 'I can't pronounce the names of the ingredients therefore they're evil poisons' and other extremely stupid bullshit. (Just writing that sentence made me ridiculously mad.)
  • 'It's horrible! The doc said I only have 20, 30 more years to live!' ("Body Parts")
  • "That's terrible!" Says Rom with the hugest smile on his face!
  • Well, at least she's still a somewhat believable size for someone who's gone from not-pregnant to about three/four months pregnant in a couple hours! This is a plot point that would not have worked had Nana Visitor been further along.
  • Yes, you're gonna live; yes, you can sue the doctor for malpractice; but you'll have one upset bidder to deal with when they realise they're not going to get the nice set of Quark remains they paid for!
  • D'you think Jeff Bezos watched this episode in college and was like "I wanna be just like the Ferengi when I grow up!"? And succeeded in being worse.
  • Well that was fucking terrifying. ("Broken Link")
  • I think the best obfuscation you can offer sometimes is just the straight truth!
  • Unfortunately due to simple cultural osmosis I already knew the whole "Gowron is a Changeling" twist; but wow, what a way to end the season!

   So watching this season took a lot longer than I was hoping it would, mainly due to trying to be less nocturnal - watching during the day is difficult as I'm always interrupted (but only when I'm trying actually watch something - I can bum around doing not much for hours and not a peep but as soon as I load up an episode, or a podcast, and put on the headphones suddenly I'm the numero uno conversation target...)  Still, helps get some knitting done. Working on a scarf in a herringbone pattern right now and I have to be very careful to keep the tension loose... My usual tension is a little too tight for this stitch but it looks so good.

   Hopefully I'll be able to get a start on season five before