Friday, 27 December 2019

Thoughts on: Star Trek TOS Season 3

  • "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" is, sadly, just as relevant now as it was when it first aired in 1969
  • How in the hells would things get so bad as to be standing room only?! You'd have to have no shame at all when reproducing to get to that point! ("The Mark of Gideon")
  • Was Stratos the inspiration for Cloud City? ("The Cloud Minders")
  • Anyone who wants to live forever should watch "Requiem for Methuselah" - do you really want to watch everything and everyone you love rot and die around you? (because face it - the ones who want it won't want to share it)
  • What benefit would there be in keeping the truth of the generation ship/asteroid from the inhabitants? They'd all be shocked and terrified and have no idea what to do when they finally arrived at their destination. ("For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky")
  • Come to think of it, what would happen when the generation ship/asteroid reached its target? What if Daran V was its destination, it had just been colonised in the time since the ship/asteroid's departure?
  • The only real differences between the society in "Plato's Stepchildren" and reality are that able-bodied/neurotypical people don't have telekinesis and aren't usually so open in their discrimination (when they mean to be; sometimes people don't even realise that they're being discriminatory, which is a whole other discussion)
  • Kirk looks so very wrong as a Romulan ("The Enterprise Incident")
  • The coffee on the Enterprise is far too strong to be intended for consumption ("Wink of an Eye")
I'm looking forward to watching The Next Generation!

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Thoughts on: Star Trek TOS Season 2

  •  I greatly enjoyed ‘The Trouble with Tribbles’, especially the ending, but it was a little difficult to see past the actor recycling; I couldn’t help but imagine that the Klingon commander was actually Trelane playacting at Klingon!
  • Star Trek can actually easily be described with the simple, one-line summation of an episode of this season – Jack the Ripper hacks the Enterprise. (‘Wolf in the Fold’)
  • Despite how slimy, annoying and easily despisable Harry Mudd is, I almost feel sorry for him being left with 500 android clones of his nagging wife. (‘I, Mudd’)
  • I much prefer ST’s take on 20th/21st century Romans over the ‘Code Geass’ version (‘Bread and Circuses’)
  • ‘The Doomsday Machine’ proves that something doesn’t have to have a fancy, elaborate design to be positively terrifying!
  • I’ve always liked the idea of the ancient gods being creatures from another planet; especially the idea of them, having been forgotten as stories and legend, wasting away from depression and longing for what was – and the sort of lengths they might go to to get it back (‘Who Mourns for Adonais?’)
  • It’s almost sad how different William Shatner has actually aged in comparison to the version envisioned by the make-up department in ‘The Deadly Years’

It also became more obvious to me that this is definitely a show meant to be enjoyed by multiple people at a time; mainly because it’s difficult to quieten one’s very human reactions to what’s happening because it’s 2am and everyone else is trying to sleep!

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Thoughts on: Star Trek The Original Series Season 1

  • I was quite surprised when I saw a friend of mine on a Romulan fighter in "Balance of Terror" (the captain of the ship looks very much like my friend)
  • Two 'there's something evil on the ship and we have to find it before it kills again' episodes in a row, yet they were different enough not to fatigue the trope too quickly ("The Naked Time" and "The Enemy Within")
  • "Miri" was very interesting, and made me think maybe it was the inspiration for the NZ show 'The Tribe' as they have a similar story base
  • Similarly, "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" must have been the inspiration for the Institute in Fallout; the uniforms and android replacements/clones in particular
  • Having learned enough via osmosis about Q, I wonder if he is of the same kind of being as Trelane? ("The Squire of Gothos")
  • I really really dislike Harry Mudd (but kudos to the actor for making him even slimier than Reboot!Mudd)
  • The fandom is right; OG Khan is 1000% better than Reboot!Khan
  • Do you think the Horta ("The Devil in the Dark") was invented after they recieved a burnt cheese pizza once?
  • The Organians ("Errand of Mercy") are extremely irritating
  • "The City on the Edge of Forever" almost made me cry
I also learned that in the time it takes to watch 5 straight episodes I can knit 62 rows of 60 stitches!

Sunday, 4 August 2019

I am sick of it

I'm sick of being the last resort.
I'm sick of being ignored.
I'm sick of being unnoticed.
But most of all:
I'm sick of being passed over without even a first glance.

Like did they even see my submissions?
Or did they just get so far down the pile and were just like ‘nope I’m done’ and tossed the rest so everyone with a surname starting T onwards isn’t even considered?
Or they just saw the name 'Waterfield’ and were like 'ew no not one of those’?
Because how can you not call back someone so physically perfect for the role?
Someone willing to do 'most anything to get it.
To pay out-of-pocket for a flight to Prague.
To literally leave everything behind for someplace she’s never even seen online.
Hell I’d even pay them so I could portray Min.
Acting is one of the very few things I can actually do.
Something that I have a natural talent for.
(Which is apparently quite rare for an aspie.)
I can’t get a 'real’ job either.
Do they decide I’m too much work?
Do they realise what an effort it is to even leave my room some days?
I put myself out there which is a huge thing for someone who used to be so shy the last time I saw my closest-in-age cousin I didn’t talk to her at all.
Why isn’t my best ever good enough?

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Hospitals are not fun

I went into Geelong Hospital last Friday to get a lump removed from behind my left ear.

It was a long, boring wait beforehand, already wearing the surgical gown thingy and the compression socks. Then I'm wheeled into an antechamber of sorts, cannulated; I blink - and I wake up in the recovery ward with a sore neck and a tube coming out of it.

It was very difficult to sleep the first night, as I wasn't able to get comfortable, the lights were on all night in a nearby utility room, and an alarm went off every five minutes or so. I did manage to doze, which was enough, it seems.

The Saturday was long, with a visit from Mum and Dad in the morning for an hour or so to take my mind off things. I was compelled to keep fiddling with the drainage tube to make sure it wasn't all building up in the tube - cutting your parotid saliva gland in half tends to send it into overdrive for the next day or so! Caitlin and Aidan visited in the evening on the way to drop C off at a friend's party, which was also nice. Mum brought a chunk of cake she made, since I 'missed' the bake sale the hospital had the day before.

I did a few puzzles, I read a bit, played on my phone and iPod and did a bit of knitting. Snoozed away Saturday night and was eventually released Sunday arvo; since the drain had dried up there wasn't much point keeping it in me and me in hospital!

It doesn't hurt that much; it's just uncomfortable, and my ear is numb - side effect of them having no choice but to cut through the nerve. Luckily the rest of my face is fine. I missed Daisy and Asha heaps, and will keep the card that Mum and Caitlin made them 'sign' forever.

Friday, 4 January 2019

Proof that Lara is the Bad Place

  • We're paying for decent internet and not getting any
  • All the people who worked at the post office and knew what they were doing have been replaced by people who don't so now it's 50/50 whether you even get your mail at all
  • Getting your fringe trimmed costs the same as a restyle, and that's when the hairdresser gives you the cut you asked for
  • There are never any dog poop bags because kids string them across the bridge like cheap emo bunting
  • The secondary school couldn't organise a to-do list of one item
  • Nor do they hire very competent teachers - the science teacher made up a type of mining to fill a homework sheet, and tried to tell us all rivers flow south because gravity
  • The only real thing to do is take a train elsewhere - that's if there are any
  • The path over the bridge is so uneven that after rain you get just as wet as if you just waded through the creek because the puddles get so big
  • You're always at least one street away from a 'party house' where there are always at least five cars outside in various states of disrepair/modding/both
  • The one good pizza place closed and has been replaced by a Thai place that I've never seen anyone in
  • One fish and chips place has good fish, the other good chips. They're in opposite directions from our house
  • The extension on our house is slowly falling off/over
  • Even when we do get internet, my bedroom doesn't
  • Everything is so expensive no-one can afford to leave