Yes, I know I haven't posted in a while but I ran out of things.
This is the Imgur post I made to demonstrate the problem I was having with TES IV: Oblivion
I completely uninstalled the game, and had it removed from my Steam account. This was a couple of months ago. The Steam holiday sale starts, and the game is on for USD$10, so I purchase it to give it another go, with the hopes that a new game equals no problem. HAHAHA NOPE. I get the exact same fucking copy back, problem included at no extra fucking cost. Worst part is, Dad has it on his Steam account and it works PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE.
All I wanted was to play a game I very much enjoy. I even went on Reddit and asked for a solution, and the only response I got was some whiny little shit complaining about over-encumbrance. (In game, if you pick up too much stuff you can't move. Easily solved by either dumping a load of shit or, even better, opening the 'console' and god-moding until you reach a trader)
Life Pro Tip: If someone asks a question, answer that question, and not an unrelated one about the same subject.
I can't even get a refund, because Steam's refund limit is two hours gameplay, and I had 64 hours on the game. It even fucking remembered that. They won't do anything about fixing the problem, since it's apparently with the game and not to do with them, but if that was the case, it would be broken on Dad's account too, surely?
I've tried everything I can fucking think of now - uninstalling all my mods didn't fix it, un- and reinstalling didn't work, and now re-purchasing has failed.
And even worse - none of y'all will even read this.
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