Friday, 3 September 2021


 So the Wheel of Time teaser trailer just dropped and I don't know how I feel about it.

   You may remember that time long ago when I auditioned for the role of Min and didn't get it, and how it completely threw me off into a deep depression that lasted for months. How it was the one thing I wanted and not getting that lead me to wondering 'what do I even do now?', and I stopped doing many of the things I enjoyed like my acting classes - because why bother with those when they lead to nothing?

   I thought the watching the trailer would spark those feelings again, but it didn't - though it didn't feature Min, so that might have helped somewhat... I hoped I'd feel somewhat hyped, but I don't feel that either. I don't feel anything in particular about it.

   I suppose that is somewhat of an improvement over hatred and self-loathing, but... I thought I'd at least feel something about the thing that was so important to me for so long. WoT helped me through some dark moments during high school. I still remember when the last book finally came out and I almost passed out asleep with the book in my hands because I couldn't stop reading it. I still recommend the series to people, despite still not being able to retrieve the books from the bag in the shed I had to put them in when even just seeing them on my shelves was too much for me to bear. (Though I think part of that is because, since they were purchased as the books were released, they're a mismatched set and I don't particularly like mismatched sets of things...)

   Maybe it's just the weather, and lockdown depression, that are dulling things. I don't know.