Sunday, 20 June 2021

Thoughts on: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Season One

  • I hope the artist for the overviews of Bajor got paid a hefty sum; it's beautiful! ("Emissary")
  • "Good day, commander." I hate Dukat already....! There's just something about a slimy beaurocrat you just love to hate...
  • Ah, good old percussive maintenance. Works every time.
  • The interior of the wormhole is delightfully trippy!
  • For someone who's just a Starfleet commander, Sisko's doing an excellent job of answering the wormhole people's questions.
  • Well, Garak is... certainly something. ("Past Prologue")
  • Ha - thought it was a bit sus there being a rat on a space station! Of course, having seen the Next Gen episodes that occur around the same time, I wonder what they're wanting payment for? They obviously need the currency to buy that mining stuff...
  • Gah, isolationists really get my goat.
  • There are some people who aren't smart enough to catch any subtext in what someone says; but there are also those too smart to immediately catch on... I think perhaps the good doctor is one of them! (And then there's me, who sometimes will take a saying literally for the fun of it!)
  • Odo being all "I'm so lonely" ("Man Alone")
  • I thought Odo knew better than to just randomly start fights with people he doesn't like?
  • Well after all that I think it's pretty obvious who the wielder of the knife isn't!
  • Sisko takes Odo off the case "...Now, if anyone wants me, I will be in my pail. Sulking."
  • That blob looks a little like a crabsquid from "Subnautica".
  • "Killing your clone is still murder." Or is it suicide?
  • "What's the problem?" The lab is screaming! ("Babel")
  • A Bajoran bioweapon backfires. Oh dear. (Say that five times fast!)
  • A hidden clause in a Ferengi contract... Not surprising at all. Good on the new girl for standing up for herself and going to get it fixed! ("Captive Pursuit")
  • Anyone else kinda reading Tosk as like an autistic person? I know it's because he's alien to the quadrant and everything, but he's more... to the point than other 'new' people shown in past series/episodes.
  • Ah. People hunting. And in order to maintain a class structure too. Glad this episode didn't give anyone ideas. Not that that sort of person would watch something as 'low class' as Star Trek, of course.   (/sarcasm)
  • Odo: 'Why do humans have to be so strange?'
  • DS9's theme is so good I feel guilty skipping it... ("Q-Less")
  • Wait... they needed an engineer to (essentially) change the runabout's battery... Surely that would have been the first solution!?
  • I KNEW IT. I mean come on... Q in the episode title and everything but still. HIM.
  • Honestly, though, if my doctor was as good looking as Bashir I'd be finding any excuse to go to medbay...
  • It's that big yellow gem causing the power drains. Calling it now; it's going to be like a massive leech crystal from 'Storm Hawks' - sucks enough power and KABOOM.
  • "A latinum-plated bucket, to sleep in." Quark almost had Odo there!
  • "A nice quiet life back on Earth." Aw she dead.
  • So... no KABOOM. Just a space-ray. Ah well. Still cool.
  • And they couldn't have just asked Sisko about that instead of assaulting Jadzia and Bashir?! ("Dax")
  • Quark: 'How dare you use my own words against me!'
  • Sounds to me the death of the general on Klaestron 4 was meant as a tactic to win the war; give the soldiers something to rally behind.
  • So I was half right. The martyr tactic was planned, but after the fact.
  • Wow... there's self confidence, there's arrogance - and then there's Bashir. ("The Passenger")
  • It's not the Kobliad woman they need to worry about... it wasn't her who was grabbed by Vantika... (I'd like to say 'called it', but I had to spoil it for myself to look up who the aliens in this episode were...)
  • Ah - the old 'playing a foreign board game that affects real people's lives' storyline. ("Move Along Home")
  • ...Yeah I don't like the Starfleet Security guy either.
  • Quark: 'Fuck I'm playing with real people aren't I... and I actually care about that, dammit...'
  • I mean, maybe take out the risk of actual death and this game would be a viable money maker. There are plenty people out there who'd be willing to volunteer as a game piece - the same sort of people who do parkour at the top of skyscrapers with nought but a wingsuit or a parachute if things go wrong...
  • Ye gads... that has to be the ugliest Ferengi I've ever seen... ("The Nagus")
  • Oh no... Quark is going to be insufferable... for the next few days, at least.
  • Wow. Zek just... went and went until he - stopped. My granma's dog Chess was like that. He was happy and energetic until it was like a switch was flicked and he had to be put down. No slowing down because of his age or illness...
  • Alright, who showed Quark a picture of Blofeld?
  • I love how Dax couldn't pretend to think aubergine stew was an attractive meal to her. Obviously, Sisko has programmed a good recipe in, judging by the massive ladleful she helps herself to after a taste!
  • Who's idea was it to give the Miradorn a vagina on their forehead? ("Vortex")
  • Now we - and Odo - know for definite he's from the Gamma Quadrant.
  • Well, at least Odo now knows exactly what he is... in a way. Knowing that can be a huge answer in and of itself.
  • Who can resist the old 'pleading puppy' look? ("Battle Lines")
  • But... she was dead...
  • Either it's nanobots, or you need to keep an eye on what she snacks on...
  • Yep. Nanobots. (Pretty much.)
  • Looks like Nog is going to get a short lesson in talking to women... ("The Storyteller")
  • Amazing. All he did was embarrass himself a little. Looks like Jake's been more of a good influence on Nog than Nog a bad influence on Jake!
  • If that monster keeps coming back, their champion isn't actually doing all that good a job of defeating it...
  • Yes. Let's go steal someone's entire bedroom. No way they're not going to find the humour in that!
  • Of course, it's all fun and games until you discover that the reason Odo isn't anywhere to be seen is because he's in his bucket.
  • Great. Hillbillies. ("Progress")
  • I'm sensing something along the lines of: 'I promised to trade [A] for [B], which I said I would swap for [C], which is wanted for [D], in exchange for [E]... but now it's all collapsed and everyone is mad at me...' I think that was done in another show I've seen recently..
  • Quark: 'I don't know whether to be proud of you or smack you upside the head, Nog.'
  • Poor Bashir! He's going all out to try to woo Jadzia... ("If Wishes were Horses")
  • Surely as an Irishman, O'Brien would know plenty how to avoid shenanigans with fae creatures!
  • Ah, I think I see what's going on in this one. The holosuite is leaking again...
  • Jake: 'He followed me home from the holosuite! Can we keep him? Please? I promise I'll love him and feed him and walk him every day!'
  • This is getting out of hand - now there are two of them!
  • 'Gunji Jackdaw'? Um, Odo, that's obviously an emu...
  • I'm surprised it took Odo pointing out the Dabo players' success to get Quark to realise he's not going to profit from all this... I'd have thought it would be pretty obvious that, with people now being able to just manifest their imagination they wouldn't be wanting to book any holosuite time any more...
  • If enough people on the station just imagined the rift closing, would that fix it?
  • 'I want to know everything there is to know about your Security Chief.' That's funny, so does he! ("The Forsaken")
  • Lwaxanna Troi grins at Odo's retreating back as though she didn't just try to sexually assault him...
  • Stuck in a  turbolift with Lwaxanna Troi and suddenly Odo wishes he believed in a god so he could pray for escape!
  • Everyone's got the Weird... ("Dramatis Personae")
  • Some sort of paranioa virus, maybe?
  • Odo - master manipulator. Since I have already seen some of the later episodes, I know that it's pretty much a racial skill...
  • Sheesh, first he's Morritsa, then he's Gul Darheel, now it seems he might actually be Morritsa after all. Confusing! ("Duet")
  • It's understandable, though, that guilt would push him to pretend to be the one in charge so some revenge or justice could be had.
  • Great. A fundamentalist. ("In the Hands of the Prophets")
  • Ah - a non-fundamentalist who is in line for the leadership. Why do I get the feeling he's not going to be alive for much longer..?
  • Of course, he may have survived the assassination attempt, but that doesn't prevent him 'having an accident' planetside...
  • Unfortunately, I haven't been spoiled enough to more than hope something really horrible happens to Winn.
I am really enjoying this show so far. Especially O'Brien's whole thing. "Can you fix it?" 'No idea!' fiddles with computer stuff 'Fixed it!' But then, I've found the best way to discover if you can do something is to try. Of course, the hardest part of that is convincing my brain to... Autism is fun! (Especially when you are, like me, only kinda slightly autistic, so you can do all the things neurotypical people can do, like sarcasm and empathy, but with a huge, heaping helping of anxiety for flavour...)