Monday, 26 April 2021

Thoughts on: Star Trek TNG Season Six

  • I honestly didn't think I'd end up liking Samuel Clements much as a character, but turns out I did ("Time's Arrow Pt2")
  • I don't know whether to be happy or sad that anxiety is still a major problem in the 24th Century. ("Realm of Fear"). Their depiction of it is spot on though; especially the hyperchondria aspect!
  • Wait... Ensign Janeway? Did they mean the Janeway I think they mean? Guess I'll find out when I watch Voyager... ("Man of the People")
  • I can only hope to look as good in 'late middle age' as Troi did / Marina Sirtis does... And unlike that episode from TOS, makeup got her aging spot on!
  • The stupid smile that came onto my face when Scotty appeared... ("Relics")
  • Scotty was right though - sometimes the real thing is better than synthetic. We tried Splenda once; t'was nasty!
  • "Schisms" was terrifying. And the aliens triggered my misophonia*.
  • Nice to see a Q episode again - missed them last season. ("True Q")
  • Aww, look at those kids acting their little hearts out! ("Rascals") They're doing their best; it's a good look at how time and practice improve a skill - everyone in the main cast was once just as awkward and almost wooden as the kids are. Hope they all went on to success!
  • "He's my number one Dad!" Awkward hug.
  • Anyone else relate to Picard as much as I did when he kept getting interrupted? ("A Fistful of Datas") It's the main reason I watch at night!
  • There is no computer, only Zuul Data.
  • The exo-comps are adorable somehow ("The Quality of Life")
  • Such brave little robots! If I was their creator I would be so damn proud of them!
  • Dammit Jellico; let a man finish a sentence will you!? ("Chain of Command P1") When I'm interrupted I hate that person just a little bit...
  • Wow; John Durbin is a genius at making Gul Lemec the slimiest being!
  • What is it with Star Trek and unshirting their captains? ("Chain of Command P2")
  • Maroon is so not Data's colour.
  • That moment when a 20 year old sci-fi series' episodes about people acting in Sherlock Holmes stories are better than "Sherlock"...
  • Obviously the writer's of "Ship in a Bottle" had recently read "Frankenstein"
  • Ok, but what if they ended the aforementioned episode at Picard's line about maybe their reality is a simulation and instead zoomed the focus out to reveal the scene greenscreened onto a CRT TV screen with a family watching?
  • I may be a little jaded by now; my first thought on seeing the animal in the cold open of "Aquiel" was 'that's no dog'...
  • They're wondering if a phaser is responsible for turning a person into a puddle of matter, when in TOS - canonically over 100 years ago - we see people literally vaporised with them?!
  • I didn't know biggest-gaudest-patronuses** had a cameo in Next gen.
  • Ohh nooo I was right about the dog...
  • A plan that relies on mercenaries pretty much always fails... ("Face of the Enemy")
  • I love when they let Troi be all smart and sneaky.
  • Two Q episodes in one season?! I feel spoilt! ("Tapestry")
  • I can imagine it would be a hell of a shock to go to sleep next to a cute ensign and wake up next to Q...
  • While Data is not suited to maroon, Picard manages to look excellent in any hue!
  • Wait am I supposed to be already watching DS9 by now? ("Birthright P1") Ah well, it can wait either way.
  • Turns out, no; androids do not dream of electric sheep.
  • Was that person sat against the wall in Data's second vision while he was flying supposed to be visible?
  • The dishonour of the captured Klingons should not mean they do not teach the youths about their culture. The right thing to do would be to let Worf teach them about being a Klingon, and the Romulans could also teach them about Romulan culture too. That way their 'peacful society' would be more real and not just the thin veil over an interment camp that it is. ("Birthright P2")
  • No one can quite pull off a smug smirk like a Klingon. ("Starship Mine")
  • I can imagine what was going through Picard's head during Hutchinson's soiree... 'blah blah blah... blather blath- HORSES????'
  • Mmmm, a nice delicious dish of... mints.
  • Wow - don't threaten the Enterprise or Picard will go all Ripley on you!
  • Shitposters required: I need an edit of a 'horse girl' movie but with Picard as the MC. I'd do it myself but I haven't the program or the skills.
  • I do not want anything to wrong in "Lessons". Picard deserves some happiness, goddammit, even if it means all we get is a filler episode!
  • Well, I definitely have a favourite episode of this season now!
  • They're going to kill off Darren aren't they.
  • I was wrong!
  • It's always hard to say no to those who love you. ("The Chase")
  • Troi looks so much better in uniform than her previous outfits of low-cut bodysuits.
  • Ooof. Arriving at a planet just in time to witness the tail end of a global extinction event would suuuck!
  • This episode is very 'H2G2'*** - life (possibly) being the program for a huge computer, only this time on a galactic scale. Also, the whole 'life seeded across space by a progenitor race' was mentioned in passing in TOS...
  • WOW. If Riker hadn't joined Starfleet he could've been Hollywood's next huge star! ("Frame of Mind")
  • Ok, I had kinda hoped mental healthcare had advanced somewhat in the 300 years odd since now, but... I mean this is obviously all part of some evil plan to make Riker think he's mad but it's still the usual 'mental institutions are scary evil places and the mentally ill are to be feared and shunned' bs they use in nearly everything else that means people who need help won't get it because they don't want to be looked down on as bad. It's also why it doesn't get funded, I guess - why help them now when you can wait until they snap then lock them up in jail instead and get a huge payout from the prison system?
  • ...I really felt this one. Hits a little too close to home with the whole dealing with being potentially insane thing; sometimes I feel I might actually count as insane... Not thoughts I'm willing to go into right now; in a seperate post perhaps.
  • I thought I recognised the name of the planet as the one Riker was going undercover on.
  • Despite hearing the name spoken aloud I still have to remind myself it's 'GUY-nan' not 'GWIN-an'
  • It would be an awful feeling to design a shield, and it works pretty much perfectly, but the tester still dies. ("Suspicions") Sometimes, physics just decides 'you know what, fuck it. I'mma do something different today' and all you can do is try to deal with it.
  • Wait, because she found out what happened and who did it, Beverly gets away with her illegal autopsy on the Ferengi scientist? Talk about plot armour.
  • 'You still do not believe.' "I want to believe." X-Files theme starts in the distance ("Rightful Heir")
  • But if Kahless is from ancient Klingon history, surely he would look like TOS Klingons? Whatever happened that made them into what they are in TNG onward (until 'Discovery') must have been HUGE if it affected all Klingon-kind into the past as well.
  • 'Perhaps the words are more important than the man.' I can think of a whole load of people who need to learn that...
  • I was going to ask if I was the only one who thought it was obvious that, since the transporters work by deconstructing you on one side and reconstructing you on the other that 8 years previous the former part of that job didn't happen properly and Riker was duplicated instead, but then I remembered I'm not!
  • They're really having fun putting the regular crew in different colours this season!
  • Barf may be his own best friend, but Riker is now his own twin brother! It would be so strange to suddenly have someone who is exactly the same as you, yet different.
  • "Timescape"'s cold open gave me an idea for an epic prank.
  • Oh that common area must smell lovely.
  • Love that Picard can still find his child at heart. But who wouldn't be tempted to draw a smiley in frozen smoke?
  • Recycling a previously used graphic is understandable, but they could at least have used one from an earlier season. ("Descent P1")
  • Do torpedoes that don't hit the target fizzle out at some point like terrestrial ones? Be awful if they didn't... you're just minding your own business doing some gardening when WHAM something fired from millions of lightyears away in space explodes your house.
  • I don't think anger is Data's first emotion - he has certainly felt confusion and curiosity; anger is just the first 'strong' emotion he's felt. I've never seen Data as completely emotionless. He just feels emotions differently to 'organics'. (IDK if I'm explaining myself well enough...)
  • In the scene where they're pulled in after the rogue Borg ship, I would have been tempted to put in a tiny TARDIS for just a second or so, just long enough to be spotted by a dedicated fan who's seen the episode often enough to be watching for tiny little details. As a treat.
  • Surely even a doctor would understand that the death of one to save many is the lesser evil.
  • Been a long time since we heard from Lore. Was wondering where he had gotten to.
I wrote this one while watching the season, unlike my previous ones which I did after I'd finished. Why did I not do it this way before? No idea! LOL I'm like that quite often; I'll have an excellent idea for how to do something halfway through doing it... So should I continue my watch-through this way, or return to previous? Tell me your opinion!

*Link to Wikipedia page on misophonia
**Link to "Gaud"'s Tumblr
***Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Thoughts on: Star Trek TNG Season Five

  • Well; of all the things I thought the Tasha Yar lookalike would be, child born of rape wasn't one of them... ("Redemption p2") [Because consent given under threat of harm to you and/or others is not consent.]
  • The whole concept of a metamorph is just... yikes. ("The Perfect Mate")
  • The whole story of "The Masterpiece Society" kinda skims over one of the reasons Eugenics doesn't work: genetic mutation and degredation due to a limited gene pool. Even with gene editing, the colony would only last so many generations before collapse either way.
  • "Darmok" definitely lived up to the hype! Maybe it should be shown to parents who have more than one teen these days - we have all at least once managed to convey an idea or short message by simply referencing a meme...
  • Riker's response at the end of "Conundrum" to seeing his main love interest sitting and drinking with his most recent fling was perfect!
  • 'I, Borg" really struck me with The Feels. Kill them with kindness indeed...
  • "Cause and Effect" should definitely be added to a storytelling Hall of Fame. Brilliantly done, especially each repeat being just so slightly different enough that it wasn't dull to watch over again.
  • Picard may not be a fan of kids but he makes a good father figure all the same. ("Disaster" mainly, though it has been true of the whole show so far.)
I apologise for the huge delay with this one; due to circumstances at home I had been unable until now to finish the series. Thank you for your patience!