Friday, 4 January 2019

Proof that Lara is the Bad Place

  • We're paying for decent internet and not getting any
  • All the people who worked at the post office and knew what they were doing have been replaced by people who don't so now it's 50/50 whether you even get your mail at all
  • Getting your fringe trimmed costs the same as a restyle, and that's when the hairdresser gives you the cut you asked for
  • There are never any dog poop bags because kids string them across the bridge like cheap emo bunting
  • The secondary school couldn't organise a to-do list of one item
  • Nor do they hire very competent teachers - the science teacher made up a type of mining to fill a homework sheet, and tried to tell us all rivers flow south because gravity
  • The only real thing to do is take a train elsewhere - that's if there are any
  • The path over the bridge is so uneven that after rain you get just as wet as if you just waded through the creek because the puddles get so big
  • You're always at least one street away from a 'party house' where there are always at least five cars outside in various states of disrepair/modding/both
  • The one good pizza place closed and has been replaced by a Thai place that I've never seen anyone in
  • One fish and chips place has good fish, the other good chips. They're in opposite directions from our house
  • The extension on our house is slowly falling off/over
  • Even when we do get internet, my bedroom doesn't
  • Everything is so expensive no-one can afford to leave