Monday 29 April 2013

Long time no see!

   Been a while! We moved house on the ninth and I've only just gotten round to this! Everything is starting to get back to normal, I think. Still don't know where everything is though!
   This was the first time us kids have been around when we moved. All the other times we've been at school or at Granny's, but this time it was during the holidays and there was no-one we could stay with, so the best we could do was to try and stay out of the way. At least the 'new' place is bigger than the other house, even if it is older and needs a lot doing to it to make it a nicer place. Better-hung cupboard doors in the kitchen, for one!
   It seems we have a pattern with moving house. Apart from when we moved out of the first house we bought in Australia - we left because the white-tails refused to pay rent - and the one we just left, we've moved house every four years! It's a little annoying and very stressful for me at least; it's getting to the point where I don't see any point in settling in properly because as soon as I do, we move again! It took us the five years we were in Avalon to get the house how we wanted it, then we had to move (more on that another time, maybe).
   All the stuff in my room is sorted. I just need a new blind or curtains, and maybe a paint job too! Caitlin has already repainted her window-frame. That was a hassle because the paint took over three days to dry, during which time she had to sleep on the sofa. Not fun for any of us!

1 comment:

  1. You write so well. I love that bit about the white-tails refusing to pay rent. They're so rude - Send them a bill!
    Keep doing this fantastic blog.
    I hope you have settled into your new house and feel happy about everything.
